If it happens in Schull you can find out here. Schull information is updated as it happens so that you can find out what is going on in Schull and the surrounding villages. If you have events, cycling - walking - camping - lectures - courses, or would like to list your groups activities just use the link below and we can arrange to have it put up. Information about Schull is very important for the community and those that no longer reside here. If you can contribute in any way, we would like to hear from you.

contact me now to be included.



Schull Drama Group Present
' The Birthday Party'
This is a 3 Act Play under the direction of Edmund Krugel.Performance dates are as follows;

VENUE:   Schull Parish Hall                TIME:   8 PM

Sat Feb 18, Sun Feb 19, Sat Feb 25 and Sun Feb 26

*The Birthday Party* is about Stanley Webber, an erstwhile piano player in his 30s, who lives in a rundown boarding house, run by Meg and Petey Boles, in an English seaside town, "probably on the south coast, not too far from London" Two sinister strangers, Goldberg and McCann, who arrive supposedly on his birthday and who appear to have come looking for him, turn Stanley's apparently innocuous birthday party organized by Meg into a nightmare.
According to Pinter's official biographer, Michael Billington,
*The Birthday Party* is "a deeply political play about the individual's imperative need for resistance,"yet, according to Billington, though he "doubts whether this was conscious on Pinter's part," it is also "a private, obsessive work about time past; about some vanished world, either real or idealised, into which all but one of the characters readily escapes. ... From the very outset, the defining quality of a Pinter play is not so much fear and menace –– though they are undoubtedly present –– as a yearning for some lost Eden as a refuge from the uncertain, miasmic present" .

The play will tour and has confirmed to compete in Charleville, Rossmore and New Ross.

Spread the word, this promises to be a great show. 
The Schull Drama Group is busy as always with other exciting projects to be announced shortly.


Schull Drama Group comes up Winners again


CastStanding from left to right Terri Leiber, Tanya Flynn, Clara McGowan. Ger Minihane, Lothar Luken, Liam McGibbon, Jane Hurley, Edmund Krugel ( chairman)          Sitting: Kathleen Britz and Len Liptich.



Joy of offering
for full flyer click here (pdf)

Schull & District Community Council are still looking for old photos of Ballydehob, Goleen and Schull. We are creating an archive at www.schullcommunitycouncil.ie of vintage photos. Please have a look and see if you can add any information about existing photos or would like to bring photos with information about the photos to be added to the galleries. All photos can be taken to MCS, Schull and David or Adrienne will try to scan it immediately if it cannot be left with them. All care will be taken to scan it and get it back to you safely. So if you have anything of interest, please bring it in to MCS, Schull.
check current archive here